Mazars Work Experience (2025)

  • Work Experience
  • UK


Discover your future career choices, learn more about our profession and enhance your employability skills as part of the Mazars four-day work experience programme.

About the opportunity

This work experience is designed to provide you with a real insight into working at an accounting and professional services firm.

You will get the opportunity to:

  • Complete in-person work shadowing across several departments providing the opportunity to gain an understanding of the different areas of our business.
  • Take part in workshops focusing on different types of career opportunities available within our industry – including networking with Mazars employees.
  • Work on the Mazars Challenge, an interactive sustainability brief throughout the week.
  • Take part in interactive virtual employability sessions including application, interview, and presentation skills training.
  • Fast track your application for one of our school leaver roles for 2024 or 2025 depending on your year group.

Who’s it for?

Our Future Choices: Access Accountancy programme is open to Year 12/S5 and 13/S6 students within the UK. In line with our commitment to improve access to our profession to those from all backgrounds, this initiative is targeted towards those students meeting the eligibility requirements set by Access Accountancy.

When and where does it take place?

Future Choices: Access Accountancy runs in April for Year 12/S5 students and October for Year 13/S6 across many of our offices in the UK.

We supply laptops for you to take part in your virtual sessions and interactive brief along with lunch and reasonable travel expenses.

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