Work Experience at Waterstones?

Work Experience at Waterstones?

Does Waterstones offer work experience?

Waterstones is a chain of British book shops that operate across the UK. A staple of the British high-street, you’ll likely be familiar with Waterstones for their collections of popular books, friendly staff, and colourful displays.

Thinking about trying to do your year 10 or year 12 work experience at a Waterstones? If so you are in luck as Waterstones do take students for work experience week in the UK. However, there is currently no central way to apply for work experience at Waterstones. This means you will need to get in touch with your local branch via telephone, email or drop in for a chat.

When asking local businesses for work experience remember to be enthusiastic, polite and do some research on the company beforehand. You may also want to have a CV on hand that lists any other relevant volunteering or work experience that would make you even better suited to the job.

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