
Psychology Apprenticeships

What are the best apprenticeships for someone with an interest in psychology?

Are you good at reading people? Do you want to know what makes them tick and use your knowledge to help someone?

A psychology apprenticeship could be the most mindful move you make.

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Why psychology is great for apprenticeships

Psychology is the study of the brain and the behaviours of humans and non-humans. It’s not difficult to see how a better understanding of people and their motivations could be beneficial across a wide range of industries and job roles. 

From mental health care and general well-being, social sciences and animal care to human resources, criminology and forensics, an aptitude for psychology is an asset that can be honed and applied with the right apprenticeship.

Transferable skills

One of the most important skills involved in psychology is listening. You need to be able to listen to what a person is saying, and noting hesitations or pauses that could be revealing. Sometimes, you also need to look carefully and read facial expressions and body language to get the full picture.  

The ability to gauge someone’s mood or state of mind through a mix of verbal and non-verbal communication is invaluable in all walks of life. In business, it enables transparency and facilitates honest working relationships.

Determining how someone is feeling also makes it easier to help them (healthcare) or steer them towards a conclusion, such as in law.

Intermediate roles

Apprenticeships slightly confusingly start at level 2, also called an intermediate or entry-level apprenticeship. The aim of entry-level apprenticeships is multi-layered:

  • To fill the skills gap
  • To provide career opportunities to less academic students
  • To enable people to retrain quickly
  • To encourage diversity in industries where it is/was lacking

Entry Requirements

All candidates for UK apprenticeships must be :

  • 16 or older
  • Not in full-time education
  • Eligible to live and work in the UK

Always check the specific requirements of the apprenticeship you apply for, as they are determined by the provider. 

You will likely need strong marks in your science GCSEs (C or above or equivalent) plus, maths and English.

If you don’t have these grades, you may still be eligible as some programmes accommodate GCSE study in your first year. 

Qualifications gained

Completing an intermediate apprenticeship will earn you the equivalent of 5 good GCSE passes.

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Advanced/Higher/Degree targeted at A-Level

Apprenticeships are then structured as follows:

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for an advanced psychology you will likely need five or more GCSEs, grade C or above (or equivalent). One must be in English and you may need maths and at least one science, related to the branch of psychology you are applying to.  

For higher and degree psychology apprenticeships you will need an approved qualification in psychology.

Qualifications gained

Completing an advanced apprenticeship will grant you the equivalent of 2 A-Level passes. 

A higher apprenticeship gets you the equivalent of a foundation degree, and a degree apprenticeship equates to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

Industry Focus

While psychology touches every industry, there are some where a psychology apprenticeship will be the most advantageous. Here are a few.

Many jobs use psychology to help people with mental and some physical ailments.

Cognitive behavioural therapists use ‘talking therapy’ to find out what is hurting a patient’s health and well-being. Grief therapists help people dealing with losing a loved one. There are also specialist psychologists to help people deal with problems such as substance abuse or trauma.  

Clinical psychologists suggest changes patients can make to their lives to improve their mental health, such as diet and medications. They work with patients with depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia and other neurological disorders. 

Adoption specialists look at the suitability of families and the children they wish to adopt, while a child advocate is a type of social worker who ensures a child’s needs and voice are amplified. 

If you are most interested in brain assessments and psychological testing, you could train to become a clinician or psychometrist. Working in a clinical setting such as a hospital, outpatient clinic or lab, you will administer psychological tests, score them and record the results.

The NHS offers a wide range of apprenticeships for young people, at levels 2 to 7, including: Level 3 Senior therapy support worker.

Forensic psychologists usually have a doctorate or master’s degree in psychology with a forensics specialisation. Duties include assessing if a defendant is fit to stand trial or working with the police to build a psychological profile of a suspect.

Correctional treatment psychologists evaluate people on parole or probation to develop a plan aiming to rehabilitate the offender, reduce the risk of reoffending and help them find gainful employment.

A psychology apprenticeship can also come in handy for probation officers who oversee the rehabilitation of offenders. They need to know how to relate to the offenders and how best to steer them towards positive life changes and away from more criminal activity. 

You can find apprenticeships with the National Crime Agency and the UK Forensic Capability Network.

Most businesses will employ an HR manager, if not a whole pastoral team. Human resources personnel are employed to ensure that the humans are happy, so the business functions at the optimal level. They settle disputes among colleagues, deal with harassment claims and help plan policies based on the needs and wants of the workers. 

Recruiters have a lot in common with HR managers but focus on finding the perfect candidate for their client’s business. In both cases, a knowledge of personality types and how to motivate individuals is an advantage.

Businesses also conduct market research to determine whether a particular product or service is likely to be successful. Market research analysts use psychology to create a customer profile so the company can tailor their products and marketing campaigns to their target audience. 

The Level 3 Recruitment Consultant apprenticeship is run by several providers all over the UK, including the Rochdale Training Association Limited. The Market Research Executive Apprenticeship launched in 2022 and has been popular with apprentices aged 17-40.

Other Opportunities 

A psychology apprenticeship can lead to many other careers, including:

  • Experimental psychologist
  • Sports psychologist
  • Industrial-Organisational (I-O) (workplace) psychologist
  • Educational psychologist
  • Aviation psychologist
  • School/career counsellor
  • Case manager
  • Child life specialist
  • Child protection specialist
  • Psychology professor
  • Writer


As you can see, a psychology apprenticeship can be beneficial for a whole host of careers across multiple sectors.

If you would like to know more, you can use our location and subject filters to find psychology apprenticeships near you.

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